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Facing Charges of Sex Crimes? Gainesville Sex Crime Defense Lawyer Provides Expert Defense against Severe Penalties
Sex crime charges are a severe matter in Gainesville and North Florida. They may result in enhanced penalties compared with any other crimes in Florida as well as some of the highest maximum punishments. Sex crimes are usually considered felonies in Florida, and if you’ve been charged with illegal sexual activities, you need expert legal help immediately.

What Is A Florida Sex Crime?
A sex crime in Florida is defined as an unlawful and non-consensual sexual behavior or contact that can take on many forms. It can also include situations involving adults or minors, weapons or threats, coercion or intoxication. Penalties for sex crimes vary widely based on the type of crime, whether there was violence, and the type of victim. If the defendant has previous convictions, there could be enhanced penalties. Florida sex crimes include:
Get the Best Legal Defense Strategy – Advice from a Gainesville Sex Crime Defense Lawyer
Matt Landsman has experience litigating sex crimes cases of every type. from negotiation to pretrial motions to trial. If you’ve been charged with rape, possession of child pornography, registration crimes, or any others, you want an attorney who has actually fought for their client no matter what the circumstances. You need an experienced and knowledgeable Gainesville or North Florida defense attorney to help you determine the best strategy to fight sex charges as soon as possible.
Timing is Critical for Sex Crime Cases
For all criminal charges when you hire an attorney is important, you have to make decisions about your contacts with law enforcement, contacts with the Judge, and how to gather and use evidence. With sex cases timing is even more critical than in other types of cases. You want an attorney who can help steer you away from decisions that will increase your risk of conviction and massive penalties, and towards minimizing your exposure in the Florida criminal justice system. Find out about critical timing here:
Some defenses and issues that could be relevant to your case that expert criminal trial Matt Landsman has used to fight for his clients include but are not limited to:
Being accused of a sex crime will have serious and long-lasting consequences. In addition to possible jail time and fines, a sex crime conviction can also lead to:
If you have been arrested or charged with a sex crime, do not wait another moment. Due to the severity of these types of allegations, prosecutors will try to press for the harshest consequences. With aggressive defense strategies, you can secure evidence that can help obtain alternative sentencing options or, in other cases, reduce, acquit, or completely dismiss the charges against you. Let Gainesville Sex Crime Defense Lawyer Matt Landsman provide you a free consultation, today.