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Pretrial Intervention in Florida

Learn What is Available and What it Means

Pretrial Intervention in Florida Programs

What is a Pretrial Intervention?

Pretrial intervention is a program run by your State Attorney’s Office. The state will consider sending minor, non-violent cases to the Pretrial Intervention. If you and the state agree to a pretrial intervention, you will both sign a non-binding contract if you complete negotiated conditions. The state will decide to drop the charges in exchange for community service hours, fines, fees, or courses.

Types of Pretrial Intervention Programs

There is a misdemeanor pretrial intervention program and a felony pretrial intervention program. The Florida Department of Corrections oversees the felony pretrial intervention program and will usually include probation for a term of 6-12 months. When a felony is committed, more negotiated conditions will need to be fulfilled. If the requirements are completed, the felony charge will be dropped by the state, which is a significant reward.

If you forego pretrial intervention, go to court and are jailed, you will be a convicted felon and will experience other negative consequences. Ronald Chapman can help you decide if you are eligible for pretrial intervention and whether or not it is a good option for you.

Why a Pretrial Intervention Program is the Right Choice

If you are offered a pretrial intervention program, you will want to accept it. Not accepting the pretrial intervention program will be more costly, stressful, time-consuming, and riskier than not accepting one. If a pretrial intervention is rejected, the State Attorney will file charges, and you will have to enter a guilty plea or go to trial.

Going to trial can be risky. If you lose, you will not know your sentence until the judge sentences you and a sentence can be harsher when you are convicted after a trial than if you had pled guilty before trial. Even if you win the trial, you will have still lost days of work and costly attorney fees. The pretrial intervention program guarantees charges will be dropped and your record will be sealed if you complete the negotiated conditions. Pretrial intervention is usually in your best interest, but it is essential to discuss your unique case with a defense attorney to ensure it is the best option for you.

Some people may not want to enter into the pretrial intervention program because they may be required to complete community service hours, pay fines, write letters of apology, or admit guilt. Some may refuse out of principle. There can be other defenses that can lead to a dismissal. Each case and person is different.

Contact Matt Landsman today if you or a loved one is charged with a criminal offense you think may be eligible for Pretrial Intervention (PTI). Matt Landsman is an experienced defense attorney who can let you know if you are eligible for the pretrial intervention program and whether or not it is a good option. Matt Landsman will look to see if you are PTI eligible then draft a mitigation package to send to the prosecutor. Matt Landsman will help you through the pretrial process if you are accepted to increase the probability that you will successfully complete it.

Matt Landsman practices criminal defense and has been representing people accused of committing various types of crimes for 19 years and is a Board Certified Criminal Trial Expert. If you are facing criminal charges in Florida, Matt Landsman can help.

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