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Possession of Cocaine

Overview of Florida and Gainesville Possession of Cocaine

Cocaine Possession

In Florida, Possession of Cocaine is a 3rd degree felony that is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and up to $5000 fine and drivers license suspension. If sentenced to probation it will typically include drug offender conditions, including but not limited to a substance abuse evaluation and complete and recommended treatment, random screens for drug and alcohol use at your expense, and a prohibition on using any non-prescribed drugs or alcohol. Possession of cocaine is found in Section 893.13(6) of Florida Statutes

Gainesville Possession of Cocaine Lawyer Matt Landsman

Matt Landsman has represented hundreds of individuals charged with possession of cocaine. No matter what circumstance led to you being charged, Cocaine possession lawyer Matt Landsman has experience fighting similar circumstances. Not every possession of cocaine case needs to go to trial, but you need an experienced cocaine possession lawyer who knows if you may be eligible for diversion, pretrial programs, or a reduction in sentence based on your specific facts and legal circumstances.

What is Cocaine Possession

Cocaine possession is a specified type of possession of controlled substance, which you can find information about by reading about possession of controlled substance. This crime is simply the knowing possession of cocaine. This possession can be actual, meaning it is in your hand or on your body, or constructive, meaning it is somehow within your control. In either case the possession must be knowing. A person cannot be convicted of this crime if the jury is convinced an individual had no guilty knowledge of the possession of cocaine. 

possession of cocaine

Defenses for Florida or Gainesville Possession of Cocaine

Before you go any further – if you are interested in learning how to beat cocaine trafficking and possession of controlled substance charges in Florida click here to find out more on our page tailored to how to beat cocaine trafficking charges in Florida.

There are a number of issues which may be relevant to you in fighting a possession of cocaine charge. Your case may involve any, some, or all of the following:

  • insufficient reasonable suspicion or probable cause to detain or arrest
  • illegally obtained warrant
  • illegally overbroad warrant
  • affirmative defense of lack of knowledge
  • lawful prescription
  • lack of evidence of possession
  • lack of evidence of knowledge of substance
  • mere proximity to the controlled substance
  • pretrial diversion
  • overdose defense or good samaritan
  • temporary possession
  • substantial assistance downward deviation

To know whether any possession of cocaine defense applies to your case, contact Gainesville Possession of Cocaine lawyer Matt Landsman today.

Penalties for Florida and Gainesville Possession of Cocaine

The penalties for a conviction of cocaine possession in Florida are dependent on the circumstances of the case. Under the Florida Statute of Section 893.13, possession of cocaine is a third-degree felony. The penalty is a maximum of five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000. The minimum penalty involves probation, community service, and a substance abuse program. A conviction for cocaine possession can result in other non-criminal consequences such as loss of employment, drivers’ license suspension, and loss of educational opportunities. Lastly, if you are not a United States citizen, a conviction will result in deportation.

Have you been accused of a crime in Gainesville or North Florida? Call or contact us online to schedule a free consultation in Gainesville Florida.

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747 SW 2nd Ave #28
Gainesville, FL 32601

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