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Weapons Offenses
Florida has strict penalties for weapons offenses, and you need a North Florida or Gainesville Weapons Offense Lawyer who has experience fighting the many weapons laws and helping people like you who have been accused of illegal weapons possession. It matters what type of weapon is being alleged, how it was possessed or used, any criminal record if any, and how the police came to be aware of any evidence against you. You need to be aware of your constitutional rights which are crucial in what is going to happen in your weapons crime case. In Florida, there are several different types of weapons charges, some of which include:
If you are charged with a Firearm Crime it is important to be well informed regarding the charges against you, your legal rights, options which may be available to you, viable defense strategies, and if the case goes to trial, aggressive defense of your legal rights and freedoms. Depending upon the circumstances and evidence you may be able to get the criminal weapons charges dropped, reduced, negotiated to a diversion program, or probation instead of jail time. Call Gainesville experienced weapons crime attorney Matt Landsman for a free consultation today.

Weapons Offense Lawyer
Firearms and weapons charges in Florida can have serious consequences, particularly when other criminal charges are involved. Under the state’s 10-20-Life law, penalties are enhanced if a weapon is used to commit a crime, and a conviction carries a minimum mandatory prison sentence. Whether you have been charged with illegal possession of a firearm or ammunition by a convicted felon, firing a weapon and injuring someone, or any other kind of weapon crime, you need an aggressive Gainesville Weapons Offense Lawyer in your corner.
Enhanced Penalties for Weapons Violations in Florida
Under Florida’s “10-20-Life” law, the penalties are enhanced if a weapon is used during the commission of a crime:
Gainesville Weapon Possession Defense Attorney
If you were charged with a concealed carry violation, for example, Florida issues permits for individuals to carry concealed weapons. Therefore, having such a license is a defense against carrying a concealed weapon in Florida. You may also have a valid defense if the weapon was in a holster in the glove compartment of your car, even if you were not carrying your permit.
Get Informed by an Expert Gainesville Weapons Attorney
If you are charged with a Firearm or weapons crime it is important to be well informed regarding the charges against you, your legal rights, options which may be available to you, viable defense strategies, and if the case goes to trial, aggressive defense of your legal rights and freedoms. Depending upon the circumstances and evidence and the help of a Gainesville Weapons Offense Lawyer, you may be able to get the criminal weapons charges dropped, reduced, negotiated to a diversion program, or probation instead of jail time. Call an expert lawyer experienced in weapons and Gainesville Violent Crime Defense Lawyer Matt Landsman for a free consultation today.