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Gainesville Violent Crime Lawyer Overview
Throughout Florida including Gainesville and North Florida violent crimes are prosecuted heavily and violent crimes carry some of the harshest penalties that exist in Florida. Violent crimes penalties can range from probation to jail or prison, along with mandatory penalties which may be vastly disproportionate to the act alleged. Whether you have been accused of a misdemeanor violent offense or a serious felony, you need expert criminal defense from an experienced Gainesville violent crime attorney. You need to know about all possible defenses to violent crime charges including self-defense, stand your ground immunity, afterthought, alibi, mistake, justification or excuse. Gainesville Violent Crime Lawyer Matt Landsman can provide sound legal advice and effective representation to clients accused of all types of violent crime in Florida, including:

Experienced Violent Crime Lawyer for Violent Crime Accusations in Florida
Violent crimes refer to a wide variety of criminal offenses involving the use or threat of force or violence. For a definition commonly cited in see Fl. St. 784.046 for a non-exclusive list. These types of crimes are aggressively prosecuted and severely penalized. If you are convicted of a violent offense, such as battery or domestic violence, you could face thousands of dollars in fines and decades in prison. Also, you will be given a criminal record, which could hurt your ability to get a job, find housing, and stay in school.
What are the Penalties for Violent Crimes in Florida?
In Florida, penalties for violent crimes can range from jail time and fines for misdemeanors to lengthy prison sentences or even life imprisonment for felonies.
Misdemeanor offenses such as simple assault and battery are punishable by up to a year in jail and/or significant fines. Other misdemeanors, such as domestic violence, carry harsher penalties such as mandatory counseling, probation, and/or loss of gun rights. For felony offenses like murder and rape, punishments may include:
Furthermore, Florida has the 10-20-Life law, which governs felonies involving firearms. Essentially, an individual faces a minimum of 10 years in prison if they produce a gun during the commission of certain felonies, 20 years in prison if they fire the gun, and 25 years to life if they shoot someone (regardless of whether or not the victim survives). Florida has many other unique laws, such as the stand your ground law.
What will a Gainesville Violent Crimes Lawyer do for Their Client Being Charged a Violent Crime?
A Gainesville violent crime lawyer will research, study, and assess every detail of the violent crime that their defendant is charged with. In doing so, a violent crimes lawyer will be able to file the necessary motions so that their client has the best chance possible of retaining their freedom. With the potential sentencing for violent crimes for aggravated battery with serious bodily injury and aggravated battery with a weapon being so severe going to trial without violent crimes lawyers who have a lot of experience in the field will prove to be a grave mistake.
Was there a mistaken identity?
Were there false allegations?
Does the DNA and forensic evidence in the crime match that of the defendant on trial?
First, mistakes made during the criminal process could have serious consequences, from prison time to the loss of some constitutional rights, and more. A Gainesville Violent Crime Lawyer will take care of the legal work for you, making sure that everything is done the right way the first time around. We will save you from missing key facts that could lead to a reduced penalty or dismissed charges.
Second, criminal attorneys understand how the prosecution works. Informed by our attorney’s experience as a prosecutor, our team can poke holes in the case against you. We will also work to save you from being made an example of. You deserve a strong fighting chance—we’re here to give that to you.
In short, not hiring a Gainesville violent crime attorney makes it easier for the prosecution to prove that you’re guilty—that applies even if you are innocent. Prosecutors push for the strongest penalty and punishment possible in any given case; you need someone on your side to protect your rights.
One or some of the following may apply to you, that means you want an experienced Gainesville Violent Crime Lawyer on your side as soon as possible:
Can I Claim Self-Defense in Florida?
Under the Stand Your Ground law (also known as the “Castle Doctrine”), you have the right to self-defense. That means you can use force against another person whom you believe is threatening your safety. What’s more, you do not have to retreat to your home to do so—you have a right to stand your ground and defend yourself right then and there. The Castle Doctrine protects those who only committed an act of violence in self-defense. (Note that claiming self-defense is a valid defense strategy in court.) It follows that you cannot claim self-defense while committing a crime. Claiming self defense isn’t as simple as some would believe, and the specifics can vary greatly. See this recent blog post for examples of the issues that may arise.
Get Informed from an Expert Gainesville Violent Crime Defense Lawyer
If you are charged with a Violent Crime it is important to be well informed regarding the charges against you, your legal rights, options which may be available to you, viable defense strategies, and if the case goes to trial, aggressive defense of your legal rights and freedoms. Depending upon the circumstances and evidence you may be able to get the violent crime charges dropped, reduced, negotiated, or probation instead of jail time. Call an expert lawyer experienced in weapons and Gainesville Violent Crime Defense Lawyer Matt Landsman for a free consultation today.