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Gainesville, Alachua County or North Florida Criminal Court

Know the Region Where You Have Been Charged

Gainesville, Alachua County or North Florida Criminal Court System

The criminal justice system in Florida consists of a huge network of police, prosecutors, judges, attorneys, courthouses, and criminal justice facilities. As you may expect, there is a large variance in how cases are handled in different parts of the state of Florida. The judicial system extends downward from the Florida Supreme Court, District Courts of Appeal, Circuit Courts (handling felony criminal cases), and County Courts (handling misdemeanor offenses).  Each of these Courts has a diverse multitude of Judges who oversee cases in their respective jurisdictions. Between different jurisdictions cases have been decided with different results, which over time can lead to big differences in lower Court judicial philosophies and can extend even to differences in sentencing practices and views of certain types of police conduct. It is important that your defense attorney has experience in their region so you are informed about the local practices, as well as important distinctions between different judges, prosecutors, and appellate trends in your region. 

If you have been arrested, charged, or had a sworn complaint filed against you in Gainesville, Alachua County, or anywhere in Central or North Florida call experienced defense attorney Matt Landsman for a free consultation. 

Have you been accused of a crime in Gainesville or North Florida? Call or contact us online to schedule a free consultation in Gainesville Florida.

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(352) 664-9671



747 SW 2nd Ave #28
Gainesville, FL 32601

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